

23 November 2014


Ennui, translated from old French, comes to mean utter weariness and dissatisfaction from a lack of interest. It also happens to accurately describe personal sentiments in this season, whether that be literal or metaphorical. Autumn is usually a perplexing season, since it transitions from summer to winter. Interpersonally, it can mean a lot of things, whether that be feeling lethargic, sensing a lack of drive for school or work, or coming to find out things didn't work out the way you wanted things to. But hey, that's ok, since it's part of life. Even so, autumn is like the in-between stage, and so that can be expressed in people's life in a myriad of methods. Regardless, it can also mean that you're getting burned out; you sense your depleting energy and have somehow expected that. School has found a rhythm, yet in its consistency, you find yourself bored and lacking a spontaneous spark. Friendships and relationships are also going through a transition period or a filtration process. No matter what it looks like, I believe we all go through a personal ennui period. I found myself extremely bored and dispassionate many times, and began slipping down a slippery slope. With the rain pelting against my window, a dreariness that I could not quite escape, it was very easy for my emotions to mirror the gloomy weather outside. It was usually then that I looked for ways to cheer me up, for my sentiments to rise and find my groove again.

1. Rearrange your room.

It sounds so simple, it has to be a crime, but really, rearranging your room can be quite therapeutic and remedial. You're used to your personal space looking a certain way, so spiffing it up can be as simple as rearranging the furniture, adding seasonal ornaments, colour-coding your bookshelf. Just the simple fact of changing the look of your room can bring some brightness to your life. Adding some pictures, taking outdated decorations down, adding lights, opting for a colour scheme...the possibilities are endless and the result is a jovial one. I usually rearrange my room at the beginning of every season, just so that my room fits the season--whether that be the physical seasons or ones of a personal or spiritual matter. On the same token, since Christmas is around the corner, a wonderful and inexpensive way to jazz up your room. Adding twinkly lights creates a cozy ambience that produces a cozy environment that encourages you to spend more time in your room. Your room is your personal sanctuary; it's better if you want it how you want and with what you want. 

2. Put flowers on display.

I absolutely love flowers. I didn't always like flowers or appreciate their beauty (I thought they were tacky and grossly cliche), but I recently learned to love them. Adding flowers in your room, or any room really, can do wonders. The fragrance of the petals, the vivid colours, and the vase in which it is placed are not only aesthetically pleasing, but it can light up your spirits as well. Even if you don't opt for real flowers, fake ones will do as well. They add a vibrant flavour to a room, as well as eluding to an inviting quality that people just can't quite put their finger on. Given, my obsession with flowers do have to do with the idea of romantic prospects, but it also has to with bring life to my room. With gray clouds, overcast weather, and plummeting temperatures usually having a dismal effect on people's cheery dispositions, flowers usually can ameliorate it. With the prospect of choosing several different types of flowers with various kinds of textures, smell, size, and colour, the additional bonus of having to select the perfect vase to place them in merely provide more fun.

3. Enjoy a cup of coffee or tea.

Sometimes, all you need is some time alone, and it doesn't hurt to have that delicious cup of coffee. While I don't have the propensity to drink as much coffee as Lorelei Gilmore, I do indeed happen to enjoy coffee. Even a little Dallmayr or Segafredo to put a little kick in your step, or staying at a coffee shop for some time is encouraged. This is healthy for several reasons (in my humble opinion). For the first and obvious reason, you have time to yourself, so you have the liberty to collect your thoughts, formulate your opinion about things, and have the time to process everything that has occurred in the recent time. Taking a more mellow approach to life permits you to enjoy the little moments a little more. Observing devoted couples in the corners, whispering sweet nothings in their lover's ears, laughing and adoring each other's presence, or watching how acquaintances grow to become close friends after some time conversing and disclosing personal information. Besides, it doesn't hurt to take a slower pace every once in a while. I made the point of discovering three or four coffee shops while I was in America to make it more adventurous but also so I can discover my own preferences in coffee and pastries. Plus, I get explore different places with different ambiances and different people. So, go on, take that hour to yourself and really enjoy sipping that cup of coffee.

4. Read.

It comes to no surprise that I truly enjoy reading. It is almost impossible for me to venture inside a bookstore and not buy a book. I have a notorious reputation of buying books, making my library grow ever so slightly each time I make that purchase. It's not necessarily the store itself that I gain pleasure, but it is the fact that I get to discover another world. I get to discover another's character's journey. I get to experience another rise and fall. Time is at a standstill while I'm reading and it is such a wonderful feeling. I like to venture through book stores to see what novels have been released, to see what books are in sale (books in sale are my kryptonite), and to discover new authors. Taking an hour or two to enjoy a good book is pure solitude, so while the coffee or tea is brewing, I make myself comfortable and enjoy the trek to another world. I'm currently reading The Time in Between by Maria Duenas. It is an engrossing read that captures my heart and mind whenever I open the page.

5. Update your wardrobe.

Fall is my favourite time for fashion. The comfy knits, the deep berry colours, the hats, the boots, the jackets...It's truly my preferred time to experiment. I am convinced that it is healthy for the soul that we treat ourselves every so often. So, it's high time you treat yo' self. If you saw a gorgeous jade sweater or a pair of beautiful pair of boots, then make the purchase (if it's feasible). Or, if adding contents your closet is not an option, then rearranging the closet is a perfect alternative. How the clothes are arranged, add velvet hangers, or add hanging air fresheners. Discover new ways to mix and match the pieces you already have while adding a flair of novelty.

6. Travel to your dream voyage.

Everyone has that one place they want to travel to and where they dream about going. Whether that be London, Paris, Barcelona, Rio de Janeiro, Sydney, or Bangkok, everyone has that one place they want to travel. Why not make that dream a reality? Make that place a goal in your life. One day, you'll visit that place, wherever in the world it may be. By making it a personal yet attainable goal, it will be easier to obtain that goal. That being said, I am not encouraging foolishly spending money that is not available, but rather judiciously put money so you can do something you've always dreamed about. For example, I long to visit Paris in my life. By putting away a fraction of money, however small it may be, in time (however long that will be), it will eventually add and I will permit myself to go. Dream, and dare to dream big. The world is a big and magnificent place and you deserve to see a piece of it, no matter how big or small that piece is.

Hopefully this post was remotely helpful to someone. This helped me whenever I get down or gloomy, and I find myself disturbingly bored with my life. I tend to think about my future, vicariously experience life through bloggers or friends who are really living out their dreams, and it encourages me to dream big and make my dreams a reality. Do something that twenty years in the future, you will be grateful you did it, regardless of how frightening it was then. Life is meant to be lived to the fullest extent. Don't let the annual autumnal ennui get you down. I sincerely hope that can bring a little spring your step. If not, then, at least there are pretty pictures to look at. That's something, at least.

{ all pictures via tumblr & pinterest }

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